Tuesday, May 18, 2010

'A week In A Life' project: Monday, Day 1

Hi Everyone...probably wondering what this project is about. Well being inspired by designer, photographer and author Ali Edwards (www.aliedwards.typepad.com) I decided to take this challenge on documenting a week in my life. Here is hers...(www.aliedwards.com/week_in_the_life_)Just scroll down towards the bottom of her page. I thought this would be so cool to do and to eventually lay the photos out in an album with lots of journaling through the week. This is something I'm sure my family will enjoy looking at years from now. :) You can document all sorts of things from your daily life including house cleaning, what you ate that day to flowers from the season..just everything.
I've decided to share some of this experience with you all.
Starting with Monday(Day 1): Here are some of the events of how my day was...now I have taken LOTS of photos...so these are just a few and not necessarily the photos or the journaling that I will put in my album. Also, not everything I write in this blog will be every event from the day. I don't want to bore you more than I already might be. ;)When I actually have the book done I'll have to post some of photos of it. But, you can get the idea by looking at some finished books on Ali Edwards blog. ENJOY!

Beautiful sunny, slightly warm Autumn day here in Paarl.
Today was an eventful day....some responsibility's and some fun! Started my morning with a little coffee and then dropping Michael off to school and then headed home for some Bible devotion time with Mike...on my way home from dropping Michael I saw Mike doing his morning jog and he also shared some wonderful news with me that next year our son has a place at the school we applied him for. Total answer to prayer.
Then off to the dentist I went which I've been holding off because I'm sure for most of us it's the last place we want to be. But, can I just say that it was actually a quick and painless procedure. I left happy.
The rest of the day we spent with some friends who live in Cape Town. We had a lovely picnic in Camps Bay. Michael had so much fun playing with his friends Shiloh and Daniela...lovely visitor from Zimbabwe who wanted to sell us some of her handmade things. Demitri was kind to pray with her.
Down time with a good book.
Little side note: please don't get this mixed up with our ministry blog...as this is just something personal I'm working on.

morning coffee with my new favorite mug

on our way to school

I got a wave good-bye

my drive home

passing Mike on his jog

letter of acceptance

picnic at Camps Bay


rest time!


Emmerson family said...

Hey Misty...this is really cool. I like! Can't wait for the next installment. Blessings - Dave

Rosie said...

I need to do this! So that I can read it one day to my kids and remember what our days were like. I don't have a blog (well, not one that I continued, I opened one up but never got it going. Maybe I'll do a "week in the life" on my blog at least I can print that out and keep it for keepsake. thanks for sharing your little details, fun to read.

Kathy @ Carys and Charlie said...

your drive home from school is simply breathtaking, wow.