Thursday, May 20, 2010

'A Week In A Life' project: Wed, Day 3

Midweek was a bit tough to stick to the project....for many different reasons.Not sure if I want to think so much about it anymore and drag my camera around all the time, but I'm hanging on. Just a few more days to go :)
Weather report in Paarl: morning fog and beautiful sunny afternoon. Everyone is loving the Autumn weather right now and taking every moment to spend outdoors or be in the garden.
Today was a busy and tiresome day for me. But, lovely.
Dropped Michael off to school and then met the girls for some Bible devotion time at one of my favorite little coffee/gift shop in town. We are studying on "Living A Life of True Worship". It's been so good and amazing learning more about true worship. And, it's great to gather our notes together and share.
Then, headed home to take care of some house chores...YES...more laundry, more laundry. Sometimes it feels never ending. But for a family of 3 it actually is at times ;)
Errands day and then picking up my fun loving son from school. He was so happy and proud about sharing his day and showing me what he made at school...his 'King Michael' crown. He's just growing so quickly before my eyes.
Spent some time playing with him and then relaxed a bit while Mike took him to the park to play catch.
Ended our evening with a movie...Michael was soon asleep just after he made the silly face for the photo.
Feeling thankful. Feeling blessed. Feeling loved.

Waking Michael up...always a hassle. Can a 5 year old have an alarm clock in his room? I think he needs one.

morning fog

Kikka coffee shop

baby & me (errand time)

king Michael

yucky dishes

play time

serious movie watching (it was a documentary)

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